Love & compassion.
Tolerance & inclusivity.
Justice & outreach.
Family & community.
Stewardship & discipleship.
Education & engagement.
Welcome Home.
Welcome Home.

Founded in 1771 as the Salem Congregation, our community later gave birth to a number of Sunday School programs in the towns of Winston and Salem. As the organizing center for this work, our historic building eventually became known as “the home church.” Today, the name “Home Moravian Church” bespeaks peace, joy, and a sense of place; a call to dwell in Christ’s presence with loved ones; and an environment where everyone knows they are welcome.
Today, Home Moravian Church continues its mission of fulfilling Christ’s call to love God, live in community, and serve our neighbor. And ALL are welcome.

All Are Welcome!
Home Moravian Church is located at 529 South Church Street in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The sanctuary, with its distinctive belfry, was completed in 1800 and has been our worship home ever since.
Sunday worship services begin at 10 a.m. and are open to all. Please come as you are! Our nursery is available for all Sunday services beginning at 9:30 a.m. for infants and children up to age 4. Children ages 4 to 8 begin worship in the sanctuary and at 10:20 a.m. are guided to Godly Play, a special worship gathering for children.
For All Members, the Home Moravian Church Member Portal contains information about various church functions, events, committees, and more. If you signed up for the portal on our old site, you will need to reset your password on the log in page. If you wish to sign up, simply complete the registration form, and when you are verified as a member, you will be granted access using your own log in credentials. If you need assistance, contact the Home Moravian Church office at